Intersession Opportunities at Aldersgate Weekday School
We offer full day intersession or track-out camps for children who attend the year round schools. Camps are theme-based and offer a variety of activities. There is a weekly fee for each camp your child attends. These camps are not included as part of your after school tuition. Sign up is on a first-come, first-serve basis. Information and registration forms for Intersession camps at Aldersgate Weekday School will be available two months prior to the beginning of each camp.
Aldersgate Intersession Camp – Spring 2025
Registration for Spring Intersession Camp opens Monday, January 27th for Afterschool families. Camp sign up is open on a first come, first serve basis. In order to hold your child a spot, a completed registration form and a 50% non refundable, non transferrable deposit must be turned in to the Afterschool office or emailed to Evelyn.
As a reminder, camp hours are from 7:30am -6:00 pm.
Themes for Spring Intersession
Week 1: March 17 – 21 Mad Scientist Week
There will be lots of experiments and fun making messes.
$210 child 1 / $200 sibs / families who attend Afterschool
$230 child 1/ $220 sibs / Community families
Week 2: March 24 – 28 Spring Excitement
We will create colorful art creations, flower projects and more!
$210 child 1 / $200 sibs / families who attend Afterschool
$230 child 1/ $220 sibs / Community families
Week 3: March 31 – April 4 Games! Games! Week
This week we will play lots of our favorite games and some regular board
games will be played on a much larger scale! Even our own Game show on Friday.
$210 child 1 / $200 sibs / families who attend Afterschool
$230 child 1/ $220 sibs / Community families
**April 21 One Day Camp $60 per child
Please feel free to call (919) 479-8686 or email if you have any questions regarding camp.
Download our Spring 2025 Intersession Information Sheet.
Download the Spring 2025 Intersession Registration Form.