Medical and Safety Information

Severe Weather and Emergency Closings

If Durham Public schools are CLOSED – Aldersgate Preschool and Afterschool is CLOSED

If Durham Public is on a 2 hour delay – Aldersgate is on a 1 hour delay. Classes begin at 10am.

If Durham Public Schools is on a 1 hour delay – Aldersgate is on a 1 hour delay. Classes begin at 10am.

If Durham Public Schools is on a 3 hour delay – Aldersgate isCLOSED.

In cases where Durham Public Schools closes early because of weather – Aldersgate will close 30 minutes before DPS releases Elementary students.

Fire and Tornado Drills

Fire drills will be held monthly. Safety procedures are explained and practiced at school. Staff members remain calm and reassure the children they are safe. Children are escorted to the nearest exit and relocated to a grassy area outside near the church building. The teachers take count of all their students and report their numbers to the Assistant Director or Director, who then match the numbers with morning attendance. The Director will check all classrooms and bathrooms, and the gymnasium and kitchen areas to make sure no children are left inside.

Tornado drills and severe weather drills are held quarterly. All staff remains calm and will reassure the children. Children are taken to the inside hallway away from possible flying glass. We also have an emergency zone in the back of the building if children should need to be relocated in extreme conditions. Teachers will take books and other activities to do with the children while waiting. Aldersgate Weekday School owns a radio weather monitor.

Medical Information

Each child is required by state regulations to have on file a health statement which includes a record of up-to-date immunizations and the signature of the child’s attending physician or source of medical care. The Medical Statement must be completed and in our office prior to school beginning. Each child must provide updated records annually.

Aldersgate Weekday School operates for well children and staff only. For the health of all our children, we ask that you not send your child to school if he/she has a bad cold, sore throat, cough, upset stomach, rash, fever or other symptoms. Children who have had a fever within 24 hours preceding the school day should be kept at home. We reserve the right not to admit a child who appears to be ill. Should your child become ill during school hours he/she will be removed from class and remain in the office until the parent or designated representative arrives for your child. We will notify you immediately.

    We will not serve children with:
  • A fever of 100.9 degrees F, axillary
  • A fever of 100 degrees F – 100.9 degrees F if combined with another sign of illness.
  • A skin rash that has not been identified by a phone call or writing from a physician who has seen the rash.
  • Diarrhea and/ or vomiting two or more times in a day
  • Evidence of head lice or other parasites
  • Severe coughing


The preschool office has first aid kits available to administer basic first aid. Each classroom is equipped with basic first aid supplies as well. All staff is CPR and first aid certified. In the event of a medical emergency during school hours, efforts will be made to contact the parent(s). If they are not available, decisions related to securing medical assistance will be made by the Aldersgate Week Day School Director. Our staff cannot administer medication to the children. Please do not ask them to do so. If your child has allergies please make both the office staff and your child’s teachers aware.

If a child is suspected to have been exposed (while at school) to a contagious illness, we will do our best to notify you. If your child contracts an illness, such as chicken pox, head lice, etc. please notify the school, and return to school only after the period of contagion had passed.

If you need more information about identifying lice, talk with your pediatrician or a preschool staff member for assistance. Information on the treatment and care of head lice may be obtained from the preschool office. In order to prevent head lice from becoming a widespread problem it is helpful to inspect your child’s head at least weekly.

Children will be checked for head lice periodically at school as well. If a child is found to be infected, the parent will be called to pick up the child. The child will be allowed to return to school ONLY after the child has been treated and only after ALL nits have been removed.


Summer Camps 2025

Be sure to check out the Summer Camp Opportunities at Aldersgate Weekday School for Your Preschool and Elementary School Aged Children. We have fantastic weeks of fun and learning planned!

Summer Camp 2025 (K – rising 6th Graders) Brochure

Preschool Summer Camp 2025 Brochure

Parent Handbooks 2024-2025

We have updated both the Preschool Parent Handbook and the Afterschool Parent Handbook for the 2024-2025 School Year. Be sure to download your copy today!

Aldersgate Weekday School Preschool Parent Handbook 2024-2025

Aldersgate Weekday School Afterschool Parent Handbook 2024-2025

Aldersgate Weekday School 2021-2022