We are excited to announce Summer Camp 2022 at Aldersgate Weekday School for elementary school aged children. We have five weeks of fun and learning planned for our campers. Mark your calendars and register your student today!

Download full details and with the registration form for Summer Camp 2022!

Week 1 (June 13-17) Mad Scientist Excitement

$190.00: Current Aldersgate Afterschool Families
$210.00: All other families

Week 2 – (June 20 – 24) Travel to Outer Space

$190.00: Current Aldersgate Afterschool Families
$210.00: All other families

Week 3 (June 27 – July 1) Music and Arts Camp

$190.00: Current Aldersgate Afterschool Families
$210.00: All other families

Week 4 (July 4-8) CLOSED

Week 5 (July 11 – 15) H2O & Summer Fun

$190.00: Current Aldersgate Afterschool Families
$210.00: All other families

There is a discount on registration for the second camper within a family.

Check the Sibling rate on the registration form for details.

Aldersgate Weekday School is excited to announce our Preschool Summer Camp opportunities for 2022!

Download full details on Preschool Summer Camp at Aldersgate WDS now!


Monday through Friday. Camp begins at 9:00 am. Pick up time is 12:00 noon.

What to Bring:

Please send a change of clothes along with a backpack to take artwork home. Always bring a smile.


Cost is $140.00 per child, per week. A 50% deposit of total camps is due at time of registration in order to guarantee a space in camp.

Lunch Bunch:

From 12:00-1:00 for $6 on Tuesday and Thursday

2022-2023 Preschool Registration for students new to Aldersgate Weekday School is now open.

  • You may mail in your registration form along with a check.
  • You may drop off (at the door) your registration form along with either cash or a check. (we cannot process credit cards)
  • You may mail/drop off your registration form and then pay online  (Registration will not be complete until you have made your payment)


Download the Preschool Registration Form

Registration for Winter Intersession Camp is now open! Camp registration is on a first come, first serve basis.   In order to reserve your child’s space, a completed registration form and a 50% non-refundable deposit must be turned into the Aldersgate Afterschool office.

As a reminder, camp hours are 7:30am – 6:00pm.

Week 1:       December 20, 21, 22    (CLOSED Thursday Dec. 23 and Friday Dec. 24)

Christmas Camp

We will make our gingerbread houses and our own Polar Express train cars!

$135 child 1 / $125 sibs / families who attend Afterschool

$145 child 1/ $135 sibs / Community families


Week 2:  December 27-31     Closed all week


Week 3:     January 3 and 4, 2022

Winter Wonderland

We will have fun with winter activities on Monday and Tuesday before the students return to school on Wednesday, Jan. 5th.

$90 child 1 / $80 sibs / families who attend Afterschool

$100 child 1/ $90 sibs / Community families


Download the Aldersgate Weekday School Winter 2021 Intersession Camp Registration Form



Registration Status for our Preschool Programs:

We have openings in our preschool are in the follow classes:

    • 5 day 3’s
    • 4 day 4’s
    • 5 day 4’s

All other preschool classes are full for the 2021-2022 School Year.

Please call Evelyn Johnson (919) 479-8686 for more information


Download the Preschool Registration form.


Registration will open on Monday, August 9th for our current afterschool families and on Monday, August 23rd  for the community.  Camp registration is on a first come, first serve basis.   In order to reserve your child’s space, a completed registration form and a 50% deposit must be turned into the Aldersgate Afterschool office.

As a reminder, camp hours are 7:30am – 6:00pm.

Week 1:       September 20-24

Animal Planet

We will have some animal visitors and lots of fun projects and games about all different kinds of animals.

$180 child 1 / $170 sibs / families who attend Afterschool

$200 child 1/ $190 sibs / Community families


Week 2:       Sept. 27 – October 1 – FULL

Lego Mania

We will build Lego creations every day.  Along with lots of games and other crafts to fuel our creativity.

 $180 child 1 / $170 sibs / families who attend Afterschool

 $200 child 1/ $190 sibs / Community families


Week 3:       October 4 – 8

Fall Festival Fun

We will celebrate the cooler weather with a Fall Carnival.  We will play games and create fall carnival crafts each day.  Face painting and a cake walk on Friday will end this fun week!


$180 child 1 / $170 sibs / families who attend Afterschool

$200 child 1/ $190 sibs / Community families      


Please feel free to call (919) 479-8686 or email Evelyn Johnson if you have any questions regarding camp.

Looking forward to seeing all our friends at camp!

Download the Aldersgate Fall 2021 Intersession Registration Form

Themes and Dates for Summer Camp at Aldersgate Weekday SchoolWe are excited to announce Summer Camp at Aldersgate Weekday School for elementary aged children. There will be five fantastic weeks of fun and learning this Summer. Mark your calendars and register your student today!

Week 1 (June 7-11) All Star Sports & Community Helpers

$180.00: Current Aldersgate Afterschool Families
$200.00: All other families

Week 2 – (June 14 – 18) Habitats of the World

$180.00: Current Aldersgate Afterschool Families
$200.00: All other families

Week 3 (June 21 – 25) H2O and Fun with Science

$180.00: Current Aldersgate Afterschool Families
$200.00: All other families

Week 4 (June 28 – July 2) Camping & The Great Outdoors – FULL

$180.00: Current Aldersgate Afterschool Families
$200.00: All other families

Week 5 (July 5-9) CLOSED

Week 6 (July 12 – 16) Arts Week with a Talent Show – FULL

$180.00: Current Aldersgate Afterschool Families
$200.00: All other familie


Download the Summer Camp 2021 Brochure and Registration Form

We are thrilled to announce our Preschool Summer Camp Opportunities for 2021!

$ Themed Weeks for Preschool Summer Camp at Aldersgate Weekday SchoolThemed Camp Weeks:

Week 1 – Wild Things—animals* July 26-30
Week 2 – * Vroom things that go* Aug. 2-6
Week 3 – Pirates & Princesses * Aug. 9-13
Week 4 – *Sink/Float fun w/ science*Aug. 16-20


Monday through Friday. Camp begins at 9:00 am. Pick up time is 12:00 noon.

What to Bring:

Please send a change of clothes along with a backpack to take artwork home. Always bring a


Cost is $140.00 per child, per week. A 50% deposit of total camps is due at time of registration
in order to guarantee a space in camp.

Lunch Bunch:

From 12:00-1:00 for $6 on Tuesday and Thursday (possibly????)
For more information contact: (919) 479-8686 or Evelyn – evie@aldersgate.org


Download the Registration Form for Preschool Summer Camp 2021 at Aldersgate Weekday School

Preschool Registration for New Families opened Tuesday, February 2nd. There is a $60 new child non-refundable registration fee due at time of registration.

  • You may mail in your registration form along with a check.
  • You may drop off (at the door) your registration form along with either cash or a check. (we cannot process credit cards)
  • You may mail/drop off your registration form and then pay online  (This will take a bit longer due to having to send you an email with the link to pay. Registration will not be complete until you have made your payment)

Download the Preschool Registration form.

Registration Status for our Preschool Programs:

    • 2 day Toddlers – FULL
    • 3 day Toddlers – FULL
    • 5 day Toddlers – FULL
    • 2 day 2’s class – FULL
    • 5 day 2’s class – FULL
    • 3 day 3’s class – FULL
    • 5 day 3’s class – FULL
    • 4 day 4’s class – FULL
    • 5 day 4’s class – openings

Aldersgate Weekday School will release details about our 2021 Summer Camps in late February.  We have great fun in the works at Aldersgate Summer Camps. Stay Tuned!