Registration for Spring Intersession Camp opens Monday, January 27th for Afterschool families. Camp sign up is open on a first come, first serve basis. In order to hold your child a spot, a completed registration form and a 50% non refundable, non transferrable deposit must be turned in to the Afterschool office or emailed to Evelyn.

As a reminder, camp hours are from 7:30am -6:00 pm.

Themes for Spring Intersession

Week 1: March 17 – 21    Mad Scientist Week

There will be lots of experiments and fun making messes.

$210 child 1 / $200 sibs / families who attend Afterschool
$230 child 1/ $220 sibs / Community families

Week 2: March 24 – 28  Spring Excitement

We will create colorful art creations, flower projects and more!

$210 child 1 / $200 sibs / families who attend Afterschool
$230 child 1/ $220 sibs / Community families

Week 3: March 31 – April 4  Games! Games! Week

This week we will play lots of our favorite games and some regular board
games will be played on a much larger scale! Even our own Game show on Friday.

$210 child 1 / $200 sibs / families who attend Afterschool
$230 child 1/ $220 sibs / Community families

**April 21 One Day Camp $60 per child

Please feel free to call (919) 479-8686 or email if you have any questions regarding camp.

Download our Spring 2025 Intersession Information Sheet.

Download the Spring 2025 Intersession Registration Form.

Fall Intersession is fast approaching!

Intersession will be held Sept 18th thru Oct. 4th.

Camp sign up is open on a first come, first serve basis. In order to hold your child a spot, a completed registration form and a 50% non refundable, non transferrable deposit must be turned in to the Afterschool office or emailed to Evelyn Johnson.  If your child is new to Aldersgate please also complete the 2024-2025 Afterschool information form and there is a $30 new family registration fee.

As a reminder, camp hours are from 7:30am -6:00 pm.  You will need to provide a lunch each day (expect for Friday’s – you may purchase lunch).  Snacks will be provided.

Week 1: September 18-20 – Spirit Week

Activities to celebrate Out of this world day, Art day, and end the week with Cozy/comfy day.

$165 child 1 / $155 sibs / families who attend Afterschool
$175 child 1/ $165 sibs / Community families


Week 2: September 23 – 27 – Lego Mania

We will build Lego creations every day. Along with lots of games and other crafts to fuel our creativity.

$210 child 1 / $200 sibs / families who attend Afterschool
$230 child 1/ $220 sibs / Community families


Week 3: Sept. 30-Oct. 4 – Fall Festival Fun

Fall crafts and games with fake spiders and pumpkins! Carnival games and face painting with a cake walk on Thursday. Yummy snacks too.

$210 child 1 / $200 sibs / families who attend Afterschool
$230 child 1/ $220 sibs / Community families


Download Information about Fall Intersession at Aldersgate for 2024.

Download the Aldersgate Intersession Application for Fall 2024

Spring Intersession is fast approaching!

Intersession will be held March 18th thru April 5th.

Camp sign up is open on a first come, first serve basis. In order to hold your child a spot, a completed registration form and a 50% non refundable, non transferrable deposit must be turned in to the Afterschool office or emailed to Evelyn Johnson.

As a reminder, camp hours are from 7:30am -6:00 pm.

Themes for Spring Intersession:

Week 1: Mad Scientist Week March 18 – 22

There will be lots of experiments and fun making messes.

$210 child 1 / $200 sibs / families who attend Afterschool
$230 child 1/ $220 sibs / Community families

Week 2: Easter Eggstravaganza  March 25 – 28

Our week will have lots of exciting Easter and Spring crafts and activities.
We will have an Easter egg hunt on Thursday.

Camp will be closed March 29 – for Good Friday.

$190 child 1 / $180 sibs / families who attend Afterschool
$210 child 1/ $200 sibs / Community families

Week 3: Animal Safari  April 1 – 5

We will have crafts, games and activities all about animals. And even some live animal

$210 child 1 / $200 sibs / families who attend Afterschool
$230 child 1/ $220 sibs / Community families


**April 10th – One day camp $60 per child

Please feel free to call (919) 479-8686 or email Evelyn Johnson if you have any questions regarding camp.

Download Spring 2024 Intersession Information

Download the Spring 2024 Intersession Registration Form

Registration will open on Monday, August 7th for our current afterschool families and on Monday, August 14th for the community. Camp registration is on a first come, first serve basis. In order to reserve your child’s space, a completed registration form and a 50% deposit must be turned into the Aldersgate Afterschool office.

Camp hours are 7:30am – 6:00pm.

Week 1: September 25-29 Lego Mania

We will build Lego creations every day. Along with lots of games and other crafts to fuel our creativity.

$210 child 1 / $200 sibs / families who attend Afterschool
$230 child 1/ $220 sibs / Community families

Week 2: Oct. 2 – 6 Spirit Week

Activities to celebrate Out of this world day, wacky/tacky day, Art day, Sports day, and end the week with Cozy/comfy day.

$210 child 1 / $200 sibs / families who attend Afterschool
$230 child 1/ $220 sibs / Community families

Week 3: October 9 – 13 Fall Festival Fun

Fall crafts and games with fake spiders and pumpkins! Carnival games and face painting with a cake walk on Thursday. Yummy snacks too.

$210 child 1 / $200 sibs / families who attend Afterschool
$230 child 1/ $220 sibs / Community families

Please feel free to call (919) 479-8686 or email if you have any questions regarding camp.

Looking forward to seeing all our friends at camp!

Download Aldersgate Weekday School Fall Intersession 2023 Camp Information

Download the Aldersgate Weekday School Fall Intersession 2023 Camp Registration Form

Spring Intersession is fast approaching! Intersession will be held March 13th thru 31st.   Excelsior is on Spring Break March 17 – April 3.  (We will not have camp on Monday, April 3rd)

Registration for Spring Intersession Camps will open Monday, January 23rd. Camp sign up is open on a first come, first serve basis.   In order to hold your child a spot, a completed registration form and a 50% non refundable, non transferrable deposit must be turned in to the Afterschool office or emailed to Evelyn.

Aldersgate WDS Intersession camp hours are from 7:30 am – 6:00 pm.

Themes for Spring Intersession:

Week 1:  Spirit Week  March 13 – 17

We will have a different theme for each day, with lots of special St. Patrick’s day activities on March 17th.  (An email with theme details will be sent out closer to camp week)

  • $190 child 1 / $180 siblings / families who attend Afterschool
  • $210 child 1/ $200 siblings /Community families


Week 2:  All Star Sports  March 20 – 24

We will play lots of sports this week!  Basketball, Soccer, whiffle ball, to name just a few.  It will be a lot of fun!  Something for everyone

  • $190 child 1 / $180 sibs / families who attend Afterschool
  • $210 child 1/ $200 sibs / Community families


Week 3:  Spring Spectacular  March 27 – 31

We will enjoy all the different areas of Spring: gardening and flowers, colorful crafts, and many more.

  • $190 child 1 / $180 sibs / families who attend Afterschool
  • $210 child 1/ $200 sibs / Community families


Please feel free to call (919) 479-8686 or email if you have any questions regarding camp.

Download the Aldersgate Weekday School 2023 Spring Intersession Information Sheet.

Download the Aldersgate Weekday School 2023 Spring Intersession Registration Form.

The time is here again to make Winter Intersession Camp plans for our children. 

Registration is now open is on a first come, first serve basis. A 50% deposit is required to hold your registration space.

As a reminder, Aldergate Intersession Camp hours are from 7:30 am- 6:00 pm.  Please pack your lunch daily. (Except for Wednesday Dec. 21 and Friday, Jan. 6!)

Week 1:  December 19 – 21 Christmas Camp!

We will make our famous gingerbread houses!  We will also make our own Polar Express cars, along with lots of great Christmas crafts.

$135.00   Families who attend Afterschool

 $145.00   Community families

                 **CLOSED December 22 and 23**

Week 2:  December 26 – 30 Camp is Closed

Week 3:   January 3 – 6 Winter Wonderland!

We will experience lots of winter activities this week.

$170.00   Families who attend Afterschool

$180.00  Community Families

  • Camp is Closed Monday, January 2. 
  • DPS Traditional & Excelsior both resume on Thursday, Jan. 5th
  • DPS Year-Round resumes on Monday, Jan. 9th

Please feel free to call (919) 479-8686 or email Evelyn Johnson if you have any questions regarding camp.

Looking forward to seeing all our friends at camp!

Download our Intersession Camp Information Sheet

Download our Intersession Registration Form

Registration for Intersession at Aldersgate is open as of Monday, August 8th for our current afterschool families and on Monday, August 15th for the community.  Camp registration is on a first come, first serve basis.   In order to reserve your child’s space, a completed registration form and a 50% deposit must be turned into the Aldersgate Afterschool office.

As a reminder, Intersession camp hours are 7:30 am – 6:00 pm.

Week 1:       September 19-23        

Caring for Animals – We will have some animal visitors and lots of fun projects and games about all different kinds of animals. Wild animals and pets.

$190 child 1 / $180 sibs / families who attend Afterschool

$210 child 1/ $200 sibs / Community families

Week 2:       Sept. 26 – 30               

Lego Mania – We will build Lego creations every day.  Along with lots of games and other crafts to fuel our creativity.

$190 child 1 / $180 sibs / families who attend Afterschool

$210 child 1/ $200 sibs / Community families

Week 3:       October 3 – 7

Outdoor Survival Skills with Fall Festival Fun – We will learn about outdoor necessities, safe plants, animal tracks, how to build a shelter and how to tell time from the sun.  (This topic was created from our 5th grade students who will be assisting this week.)  Carnival games and face painting with a cake walk on Friday will end this fun week!

$190 child 1 / $180 sibs / families who attend Afterschool

$210 child 1/ $200 sibs / Community families      

Please feel free to call (919) 479-8686 or email if you have any questions regarding camp.

Looking forward to seeing all our friends at camp!

Evelyn Johnson

Download our Intersession Camp Information Sheet

Download our Intersession Registration Form

Registration will opens Monday, January 31st. Camp sign up is open on a first come, first serve basis.   In order to hold your child a spot, a completed registration form and a 50% non refundable, non transferrable deposit must be turned in to the Afterschool office or emailed to Evelyn.

Intersession camp hours are from 7:30am -6:00 pm.

Themes for Spring Intersession:

Week 1:  March 14 – 18

Spirit Week – We will have a different theme for each day, with lots of special St. Patrick’s day activities on March 17th.

$180 child 1 / $170 sibs / families who attend Afterschool

$200 child 1/ $190 sibs / Community families

Week 2:  March 21 – 25

All-Star Sports – We will play lots of sports this week!  Basketball, Soccer, whiffle ball, to name just a few.  It will be a lot of fun!  Something for everyone.

$180 child 1 / $170 sibs / families who attend Afterschool

$200 child 1/ $190 sibs / Community families


Week 3:  March 28 – April 1

Spring Spectacular – We will enjoy all the different areas of Spring: gardening and flowers, colorful crafts, and many more.  

$180 child 1 / $170 sibs / families who attend Afterschool

$200 child 1/ $190 sibs / Community families

Please feel free to call (919) 479-8686 or email Evelyn if you have any questions regarding camp.

Registration for Winter Intersession Camp is now open! Camp registration is on a first come, first serve basis.   In order to reserve your child’s space, a completed registration form and a 50% non-refundable deposit must be turned into the Aldersgate Afterschool office.

As a reminder, camp hours are 7:30am – 6:00pm.

Week 1:       December 20, 21, 22    (CLOSED Thursday Dec. 23 and Friday Dec. 24)

Christmas Camp

We will make our gingerbread houses and our own Polar Express train cars!

$135 child 1 / $125 sibs / families who attend Afterschool

$145 child 1/ $135 sibs / Community families


Week 2:  December 27-31     Closed all week


Week 3:     January 3 and 4, 2022

Winter Wonderland

We will have fun with winter activities on Monday and Tuesday before the students return to school on Wednesday, Jan. 5th.

$90 child 1 / $80 sibs / families who attend Afterschool

$100 child 1/ $90 sibs / Community families


Download the Aldersgate Weekday School Winter 2021 Intersession Camp Registration Form



Spring Intersession Camp will be held March 23rd thru April 9th. After-school will begin again on April 13th – this is of course when the Traditional schools in Durham County are on Spring Break this year.   Excelsior is on Spring Break March 16 – 27th.

Registration for Spring Intersession at Aldersgate Weekday School will open Monday, February 3rd

Camp sign up is open on a first come, first serve basis.   In order to hold your child a spot, a completed registration form and a 50% non refundable, non transferrable deposit must be turned in to the Afterschool office.

Camp hours are from 7:30 am – 6:00 pm.

Themes for Spring Intersession:

Week 1:    March 23 – 27    All-Star Sports

We will play lots of sports this week!  Basketball, Soccer, whiffle ball, volleyball, and even some track events.  It will be a lot of fun!  Something for everyone

$180 child 1 / $170 sibs / families who attend After-school

$200 child 1/ $190 sibs / Community families


Week 2:    March 30 – April 3    Spring Spectacular 

We will enjoy all the different areas of Spring: gardening and flowers, colorful crafts, and many more.

$180 child 1 / $170 sibs / families who attend After-school

$200 child 1/ $190 sibs / Community families


Week 3:    April 6 – 9 (closed 10th)    Easter Eggstravaganza

We will have lots of activities to celebrate Easter and an Easter Egg Hunt on Thursday

$160 child 1 / $150 sibs / families who attend After-school

$180 child 1/ $170 sibs / Community families


Download an information sheet for Spring Intersession 2020 at Aldersgate Weekday School

Download our Spring Intersession Signup Form

Please feel free to call (919) 479-8686 or email if you have any questions regarding camp.