Week 1: March 16th-18th (Monday and Tuesday are snow make-up days)
Luck of the Irish We will be having lots of fun celebrating St. Patrick’s Day all week with fun crafts, games and activities!
$130 for the first child
$120 for each sibling
Week 2: March 21st – 24th (Closed March 25th for Good Friday)
Easter Extravaganza We will have lots of activities to celebrate Easter and an Easter Egg Hunt on Thursday!
$150 for the first child
$140 for each sibling
Week 3: March 28th – April 1st
All-Star Sports We will play lots of sports this week! Basketball, Soccer, whiffle ball, volleyball,
and even some track events. It will be a lot of fun! Something for everyone J
$170 for the first child
$160 for each sibling
Registration opened Monday, November 9th for current after-school families. Community registration began Monday, November 16th. Camp sign up is open on a first come, first serve basis.
As a reminder, our camp hours are from 7:30 am- 6:00 pm. Please pack your lunch daily. (Except for Fun Friday!)
Week 1: Closed for Christmas (Dec. 21-25)
Week 2: Happy New Year Dec. 28, 29, 30, 31 ( We are closed on January 1st )
We will have lots of fun with crafts and activities to prepare for the New Year – 2016! We will make some party hats, noise makers and more for the kids to use on December 31st!
Tuition is $150 for the first child
$140 for the second
Week 3: Winter! SNOW much fun! January 4-8
We will experience lots of winter activities this week. We will make our own snowmen!
And of course have a special guest.
Tuition is $170 for the first child
$160 for the second
Registration opened for Aldersgate Afterschool families on Monday, August 17th. Community registration began Monday, August 24th. Fall 2015 Intersession sign up is open on a first come, first serve basis. In order to hold your child a spot, a completed registration form and a 50% non refundable, non transferrable deposit must be turned in to the After-School office.
Week 1: Where the Wild Things Are
September 28th – October 2nd
Lions, Tigers and Bears! Kids love animals and the tougher the better. At camp this week we will discover all about wild animals. We will have animal crafts, play animal games, and learn where and how these animals live. We will even have a visit from some “wild” animals.
Week 2: Mad Scientist Week
October 5th – 9th
We will have lots of fun making gooey experiments and see why things work the way they do. We will also have a special scientist guest who will lead us in some science discoveries.
Week 3: Lego Mania!
October 12th – 16th
Back by popular demand! J Let’s Build! We will create our own Lego masterpieces each day. We will display them in the hall so everyone can see them. We will also have a visit from the Lego Robotics team from Museum of Life and Science.
Tuition for Intersession
First child’s tuition $170.00 per week
Siblings tuition $160.00 per week
We do offer a daily rate of $45 a day.
As a reminder camp hours are 7:30-6:00. Please pack your lunch daily. Friday’s we will offer “Fun Friday” and lunch may be purchased for $3.
Please feel free to call (919) 479-8686 or email evie@aldersgate.org if you have any questions.