Community registration for the 2025-2026 school year opens on Tuesday, February 4th at 8:00am. In order to hold your child’s place for the 2025-206 year a $75 non-refundable new student registration fee must accompany your registration form. Your child’s age by August 31st determines which class they are eligible to attend.
Monthly Preschool tuition rates 2025-2026 (September – May)
Toddler (1 year old)
- 2 day – $235
- 3 day – $305
- 5 day – $370
2 year old
- 2 day – $235
- 5 day – $370
3 year old
- 3 day – $305
- 5 day – $370
- 4 day – $340
- 5 day – $370
Classes offered: Class eligibility is based on their age on August 31st.
- Toddlers (1 year olds) 2,3,5 day options
- 2 year olds (2, 3 or 5 day options)
- 3 year olds (3 or 5 day options)
- Pre-K (4 or 5 day options)
Download the 2025-2026 Preschool Registration Form
Aldersgate Weekday School is now accepting applications for the 2024-2025 school year. We have limited openings in the 2 year old & 5 day pre-k classes. Please call (919) 479-8686 for more information or email Evelyn the Director,
Preschool hours are 9:00 – 12:00pm and all students are required to be up to date on the recommended immunizations.
Tuition rates for 2024-2025:
Monthly Preschool Tuition Rates: 2024-2025 (September – May)
- Toddler ( 1 Year Old )
- 2 day – $230
- 3 day – $295
- 5 day – $355
- 2 year old
- 2 day – $230
- 3 day – $295
- 5 day – $355
- 3 year old
- 3 day – $295
- 5 day – $355
- Pre-K
- 4 day – $325
- 5 day – $355
Class eligibility is based on the student’s age on August 31st.
Classes offered each year:
- Toddlers ( 1 year olds) 2, 3, 5 day options
- 2 year olds (2, 3 or 5 day options)
- 3 year olds (3 or 5 day options)
- Pre-K (4 or 5 day options)
Download the 2024-2025 Preschool Registration Form.
Aldersgate Weekday Ministries strives to provide a Christian summer camp program for preschool aged children.
Week 1 – Summer Fun – June 3-7
Week 2 – Dinosaur Adventures – July 22-26
Week 3 – Pirates & Princesses – July 29-August 2
Week 4 – Wacky Science Fun – August 5-9
Week 5 – Travel to Outer Space – August 12-16
Monday through Friday. Camp begins at 9:00 am. Pick up time is 12:00 noon.
What to Bring:
Please send a change of clothes along with a backpack to take artwork home. Always bring a smile.
Each week of camp tuition is $160 if you register and pay your 50% non-refundable deposit by June 1st.
**Tuition after June 1st is $170.00 per week.**
Any child new to Aldersgate Weekday School, not enrolled in our preschool, will also have an additional $30 Registration Fee.
Lunch Bunch:
From 12:00-1:00 for $8 on Tuesday and Thursday
For more information contact: (919) 479-8686 or Evelyn –
Download our 2024 Aldersgate WDS Summer Camp for Preschoolers Brochure with Registration Form.
Aldersgate Weekday School is now accepting applications for the 2023-2024 school year. We have limited openings in the 2’s, 3’s, 4 & 5 day pre-k classes. Please call (919) 479-8686 for more information or email Evelyn the Director,
Download the 2023-2024 Preschool Information Form.
Aldersgate Weekday School does require all students to be current on all immunizations.
Classes offered each year:
Class eligibility is based on their age on August 31st.
- Toddlers ( 1 year olds) 2, 3, 5 day options
- 2 year olds (2 or 5 day options)
- 3 year olds (3 or 5 day options)
- Pre-K (4 or 5 day options)
Aldersgate Weekday School is excited to announce our Preschool Summer Camp opportunities for 2023!
Monday through Friday. Camp begins at 9:00 am. Pick up time is 12:00 noon.
What to Bring:
Please send a change of clothes along with a backpack. Bring any diapers and wipes as needed.
Each week of camp tuition is $160 if you register and pay your 50% non-refundable deposit by June 1st.
**Tuition after June 1st is $170.00 per week.**
Lunch Bunch:
From 12:00-1:00 for $8 on Tuesday and Thursday
You may register for Lunch Bunch on Monday and Wednesday each week.
For more information contact: (919) 479-8686 or email.
Themes for 2023:
- Week 1 – July 24-28 “Travel to Outer Space”
- Week 2 – July 31 – August 4 “Prehistoric Times”
- Week 3 – August 7—11 “Pirates & Princesses”
- Week 4 – August 14—18 “Wacky Science Fun”
Download our information and registration.
Aldersgate Weekday School is now accepting applications for the 2022-2023 school year. We have limited openings in the 2’s, 3’s, and 5 day pre-k classes. Please call (919) 479-8686 for more information or email Evelyn Johnson, Director.
Aldersgate Weekday School is excited to announce our Preschool Summer Camp opportunities for 2022!
Download full details on Preschool Summer Camp at Aldersgate WDS now!
Monday through Friday. Camp begins at 9:00 am. Pick up time is 12:00 noon.
What to Bring:
Please send a change of clothes along with a backpack to take artwork home. Always bring a smile.
Cost is $140.00 per child, per week. A 50% deposit of total camps is due at time of registration in order to guarantee a space in camp.
Lunch Bunch:
From 12:00-1:00 for $6 on Tuesday and Thursday
2022-2023 Preschool Registration for students new to Aldersgate Weekday School is now open.
- You may mail in your registration form along with a check.
- You may drop off (at the door) your registration form along with either cash or a check. (we cannot process credit cards)
- You may mail/drop off your registration form and then pay online (Registration will not be complete until you have made your payment)
Download the Preschool Registration Form
We are thrilled to announce our Preschool Summer Camp Opportunities for 2021!
Themed Camp Weeks:
Week 1 – Wild Things—animals* July 26-30
Week 2 – * Vroom things that go* Aug. 2-6
Week 3 – Pirates & Princesses * Aug. 9-13
Week 4 – *Sink/Float fun w/ science*Aug. 16-20
Monday through Friday. Camp begins at 9:00 am. Pick up time is 12:00 noon.
What to Bring:
Please send a change of clothes along with a backpack to take artwork home. Always bring a
Cost is $140.00 per child, per week. A 50% deposit of total camps is due at time of registration
in order to guarantee a space in camp.
Lunch Bunch:
From 12:00-1:00 for $6 on Tuesday and Thursday (possibly????)
For more information contact: (919) 479-8686 or Evelyn –
Download the Registration Form for Preschool Summer Camp 2021 at Aldersgate Weekday School
Preschool Registration for New Families opened Tuesday, February 2nd. There is a $60 new child non-refundable registration fee due at time of registration.
- You may mail in your registration form along with a check.
- You may drop off (at the door) your registration form along with either cash or a check. (we cannot process credit cards)
- You may mail/drop off your registration form and then pay online (This will take a bit longer due to having to send you an email with the link to pay. Registration will not be complete until you have made your payment)
Download the Preschool Registration form.
Registration Status for our Preschool Programs:
- 2 day Toddlers – FULL
- 3 day Toddlers – FULL
- 5 day Toddlers – FULL
- 2 day 2’s class – FULL
- 5 day 2’s class – FULL
- 3 day 3’s class – FULL
- 5 day 3’s class – FULL
- 4 day 4’s class – FULL
- 5 day 4’s class – openings